Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blast from the Past : #8

November 20, 2001--E is for Ethan

Hello world. I am now three years old, or so they tell me. I am not sure what "Happy Birthday" is all about. The way mommy said it to me, I assumed she meant to say "I love you." So I gave her a big hug and in my sweet, precious voice I returned with, "Happy Birthday, Mommy." She assures me that this Sunday I will be having the actual party. I still don't understand what's going on, but I am excited because, apparently, I get to blow out some candles. This activity I do not take lightly! I love to climb on top of counters, etc. to blow out candles all the time, but I usually get yelled at. So knowing I am allowed to blow out candles this, no wonder we are having a party!

I also am confused about the whole letters thing. I see some meaningless symbol written on a piece of paper; Mommy assures me it is called a letter. Since I tend to only hear what Charlie Brown hears from his mother, they all sound the same to me. So when asked, I just say "P" because, let's face it, most of them sound like that anyway. The only letter I know consistently is this symbol: E. This, my friends, is called an "Ethan." I sometimes refer to it as "me" because it IS annoying when one refers to oneself in third person.

Until next time,
Ethan, or me

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