Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I am reading through the OT. I am not doing the Bible-in-a-year thing, but am going through it in order, for as long as it takes. I tend to "take breaks" from certain OT passages to read some NT, as well as Psalms and Proverbs on occasion. So, I am trying to keep my pace more...leisurely so I can think about what I am reading and not just check it off the list.

Anyway, that brings me to Judges. I just noticed something that I never noticed before. The failure of the next generation of the children of the Israelites after Joshua's death is very clear. The entire book pretty much follows a cycle of apostasy, captivity, repentance, deliverance, and so the cycle continues. How could they keep forgetting how God had delivered them in the past? How could they forget their leader's parting words?

IT WAS A PARENTING PROBLEM! The next generation did NOT know the LORD, did not recognize Him as such, did not serve Him, but worshipped Baal along with the Canaanites. Whose job is it to teach the next generation?

God, do not let me fail at this. I want to teach Aidan, Ethan, and Wesley how You have delivered me. They need to know Your Word and specifically how It has guided my life. I fail enough as it is, with the day-to-day grind of parenting while just living. I am asking You to keep me sensitive to Your Spirit's leading in teaching them. May I not be blinded by my love for them to see any faults that I need to help correct. May I not be burdensome on their hearts with legalistic ideas of truth. I give all my autonomy in this to you, if it is even mine to give. Forgive my mistakes, and don't hold it against my children.
In Jesus' Name, and without using It in vain, but with great sincerity,

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