Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hurting My Kids...On Purpose

As a parent, sometimes causing pain purposefully in the lives of our children is necessary. The pain itself is not what we desire, but the purpose of the pain.

The most common example most of us experience is when we take them to the doctor for immunizations. We don't like seeing them get the painful shot. But we do it anyway. We even have to assist the nurse. We are asked to hold the child's arms and/or legs. He looks up with the sweetest grin, not knowing what is about to happen. Then the stick. Then the hurtful, betrayed look. It's as if with one glance he is saying, "Mommy, how could you? I trusted you. Why would you let this happen?" He is too young to understand that it is to protect him from more serious pain. He can't possibly understand that we do it out of love.

I wonder how many times God has to hold our arms as we get a shot. How many times have we looked at Him with a look of betrayal? Unlike me, He is the perfect parent. How much more should I trust His allowance of pain in my life? I understand that this is not the sole purpose of pain in our lives. But it is one purpose. Unlike my child, who forgets my role in the pain he experienced with his shot (basically once we are out of the dr.'s office, he's trusting me again), I am not so quick to trust my Father again. Sometimes it leads to bitterness.

I just finished suctioning out my 8 month old's nose. He has a cold, and is too young to blow his nose. So, I had to use the bulb syringe to clear it out so he could breathe. It was not fun. It was very uncomfortable for him. Probably painful. But now, he is breathing easier.

And he is sleeping peacefully.